All Disciplines External Grant

ACS Forum Grants

Deadline: April 1, 2023 12:00 am

Source: Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality Forum (ACSF); Lindsay Jones Memorial Research Fund (LJMRF)

Description: The LJMRF supports research on the meaning and significance of the built environment and is intended as seed funding to support long-term scholarly agendas. Applicants and proposals from a range of built environment disciplines (e.g. architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, interior design, environmental psychology, material culture, etc.) are encouraged. Project proposals should identify one of the four principal areas of the fund: scholarly research, practice, service, or teaching. Successful applications might propose projects in a range of venues and media including, but not limited to scholarly writing, film or other broadcast media, built works or projects, community engagement programs, or educational innovation.

Award: $2,000-5,000; funds may not be used for overhead or operating costs, academic coursework or tuition, or attending the ACSF symposium for presenting final results.

Eligibility: Open to individuals from anywhere in the world.

Deadline: Applications accepted Feb. 1 – April 1.

Architecture Building Science External Grant

GFO-22-305 – Advanced Prefabricated Zero Carbon Homes

Deadline: March 17, 2023 11:59 pm

Source: California Energy Commission

Description: The intent of this solicitation is to develop, test and demonstrate zero-carbon or near-zero-carbon (collectively “ZC”), cost-effective, modular and manufactured homes (collectively “prefabricated homes”) that can be readily deployed, particularly in under-resourced communities including California Native American Tribes. Projects must fall into one of the following project groups: Group 1 (Develop, test and demonstrate innovative manufactured homes); and Group 2 (Develop, test and demonstrate innovative modular homes). See website for full details.

Award: $7.5M available per group; minimum award: $2M. No match required.

Eligibility: Open to all public and private entities with the exception of local publicly owned electric utilities. Specific terms and conditions apply to projects and use of funding. See website for more info.

Deadline: 11:59 pm, March 17, 2023

Architecture External Grant

Arnold Brunner Grant

Deadline: February 3, 2023 12:00 am

Source: Center for Architecture

Description: This grant furthers advanced study in any area of architectural investigation that will effectively contribute to the knowledge, teaching, or practice of the art and science of architecture. The proposed investigation is to result in a final written work, design project, research paper, or other form of presentation.

Award: Single or multiple awards of up to $15,000.

Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens engaged in the profession of architecture or a related field. They must have received their first professional degree at least five years prior to the date of application.

Deadline: Feb. 3, 2023

Architecture Building Science Grant Landscape Architecture Urbanism USC

President’s Sustainability Research Award

Deadline: January 16, 2023 5:00 pm

Source: USC

Description: The President’s Sustainability Research Award will provide seed funding to enable researchers to submit highly competitive applications for federal funding, including large center and related programs, early career awards, and individual research projects. The goal of using these funds is to maximize the probability of obtaining federal research support for the proposed effort. This is a one-time solicitation. While this program may be repeated, currently there are no plans to do so. Topics include: Human Health & Well-Being; Infrastructure and Built Environment; Natural Environment/Ecosystem Services; Communications, Policy & Institutions; and Risk Analysis & Economic Impacts.

Award: There are two types of aware under this program: Large research awards: $1,000,000 in funding is available to fund 2-3 awards. Small research awards: $250,000 is available to fund 5-7 awards.

Eligibility: PIs/Co-PIs must be permanent, full-time faculty at USC. Tenure Track and non-tenure track faculty are eligible; visits and adjunct faculty are not eligible to apply.

Deadline: 5 pm PST, Jan. 16, 2023

All Disciplines External Grant

2022 CTBUH International Research Seed Funding

Deadline: January 15, 2023 10:00 am

Source: Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH)

Description: The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is accepting proposals for its 2022 International Research Seed Funding. The goal of the seed funding is to assist talented researchers in developing projects/ideas to a level that would secure additional, more significant, funding—in conjunction with the CTBUH. Research proposals should relate to the tall building typology/urban habitat, but are open to any topic/discipline, including but not limited to: architecture, construction, energy issues, energy harvesting, environmental engineering, facades, financial & cost issues, fire & life safety, geotechnics, humanities, infrastructure, interiors, maintenance & cleaning, materials, MEP engineering, policy making, resource management, seismic design, social aspects, structural engineering, systems development, urban planning, vertical transportation, wind engineering, etc. The proposals should have the potential to improve tall buildings and cities from a wide perspective. See website for more info.

Award: $15,000

Eligibility: Applicants may be individuals or teams, however applicants must be representing public or private institutions that can effectively carry out rigorous research. Each person can submit only one research proposal. See website for full eligibility details.

Deadline: 12 pm CT, Jan. 15, 2023

External Grant Landscape Architecture

David R. Coffin Publication Grant

Deadline: January 1, 2023 12:00 am

Source: Center for Cultural Landscapes

Description: Awarded to an author or publisher of a book-in-progress on a landscape subject. There are no restrictions with regard to period, topic, or author’s nationality. Book must be based on original research and break new ground in method or interpretation. The purpose of this prize is to reward contributors to the intellectual vitality of garden history and landscape studies. 

Award: Unspecified

Eligibility: Authors, publishers, and translators eligible to apply. Authors/translators must have signed contract w/publisher.

Deadline: Jan. 1, 2023

Building Science External Grant

GFO-22-501 – Advancing Window Retrofits and Reducing Fireplace Air Leaks to Improve Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings

Deadline: December 9, 2022 11:59 pm

Source: California Energy Commission

Description: The purpose of this solicitation is to fund energy efficiency research to advance high-performance windows in existing commercial buildings and reduce air and energy leakage in existing residential wood-burning and gas fireplaces.  Addressing envelope retrofits in existing buildings to improve energy efficiency results in greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and is necessary to help California meet its decarbonization goals. The goal of this solicitation is to reduce GHG emissions by reducing energy use for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). The solicitation has two funding groups: Group 1 – High-Performance Window Retrofits for Commercial Buildings; and Group 2 – Strategies to Reduce Fireplace Air Leaks in Residential Buildings. 

Award: Group 1: $1.2M – 2.4M; Group 2: $200,000 – $238,222.

Eligibility: Solicitation is open to all public and private entities. See website for full eligibility details.

Deadline: 11:59 pm PST, Dec. 9, 2022

External Grant Landscape Architecture

Deb Mitchell Research Grant

Deadline: December 1, 2022 12:00 am

Source: Landscape Architecture Foundation

Description: The LAF Research Grant in honor of Deb Mitchell supports research projects that are relevant and impactful for the professional practice of landscape architecture. One grant will be awarded to support a research project that can be completed in a 12-18 month period that begins in summer or fall of 2023. The research must generate knowledge and insights relevant to the practice of design in order to increase landscape architecture’s capacity and impact.

Award: $25,000 

Eligibility: PI must be trained as a landscape architect and currently engaged in the field of landscape architecture as a researcher, educator, professional practitioner, or in some other capacity.

Deadline: Pre-proposals due Dec. 1, 2022; shortlisted candidates submit full proposal by March 1, 2023

All Disciplines External Grant

NEH Public Scholars

Deadline: November 30, 2022 12:00 am

Source: National Endowment for the Humanities

Description: The Public Scholars program supports the creation of well-researched nonfiction books in the humanities written for the broad public. It does so by offering grants to individual authors for research, writing, travel, and other activities leading to publication. The program is intended both to encourage non-academic writers to deepen their engagement with the humanities by strengthening the research underlying their books and to encourage academic writers in the humanities to communicate the significance of their research to the broadest possible range of readers.  

Award: $5,000 per month for 6-12 months

Eligibility: Writers with or without an academic affiliation may apply, and no advanced degree is required. NEH especially encourages applications to this program from independent writers, researchers, scholars, and journalists.

Deadline: Nov. 30, 2022

Architecture Design Grant Heritage Conservation History / Theory Landscape Architecture Urbanism USC

ASHSS Research & Creative Project Grants

Deadline: January 6, 2023 5:00 pm

Source: USC Office of the Provost

Description: The ASHSS research and creative project grants program promotes the development of innovative and influential scholarly and creative output in the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences. A faculty member may submit a proposal for an individual research or creative project. Projects in which the applicant’s own scholarly works are secondary, such as conferences or edited volumes, are less likely to be supported.

Award: Up to $25,000.

Eligibility: All USC full-time faculty – tenured, tenure-track, and RTPC – are eligible to apply. Visiting faculty are ineligible. Preference will be given to faculty newly promoted to associate or full professor. Recipients of any ASHSS award or Zumberge award in 2019-2020 or later are ineligible for this year’s competition.

Deadline: Jan. 6, 2023