Architecture Building Science External Grant

NextGen Grant

Deadline: May 14, 2021 12:00 am

Source: Ray C. Anderson Foundation

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Description: The Ray C. Anderson Foundation NextGen Committee requests proposals that would measurably and directly reduce existing or avoid future emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere: science-backed projects that are scalable to other initiatives, and creative, environmentally based solutions that improve social equity. Proposals will be given strong consideration if they are out of the research phase and currently being implemented or close to implementation, if they calculate significant reductions in greenhouse gases, and if they demonstrate meaningful environmental and social co-benefits. Proposals will not be considered that only focus on communication or climate education without measurable reduction of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), that focus solely on a localized area without scalability, or that are early in the research phase and narrow in scope. See website for more info.

Award: $100,000 

Eligibility: Open to U.S.-based organizations

Deadline: Executive summary submissions due May 14, 2021; invited full proposals due July 9, 2021.